Since i'm studying to become innovation and design engineer, this subject is much intresting for me and I have read a lot about it and especially about sustainable development. I think that we, as consumers, have a big responsability against ourselves, each other and the next coming generations. We have to put our feets down to show that this consumtion society isn't something that we want to support or live in.
I also belive that me as an future innovation and design engineer and my fellow students have a huge opportunity to change what our society have become. Not only by change the philosophy behind design and product development. I think the most sucessfull way to make a change is to affect the consumers behaviour och thinking.
To do that i think we have to prove what in peoples life really matters. Because I belive that the most valuable things in life is time spent on your self feeling good, on your family and other people you care about.
We have to break the idea about that time is money. That´s probably correct in some extent but when the time you work to earn money is taken from the time that makes you feel good, that´s when your "feel good curve" turns down.
In some way i think that we are going in the right direction when it comes to put the right value on right things in life. People in my age appears to care more and more about family and friends.